Faculty of Medical & Allied Health Sciences +91-08234-287436 / 287433
Faculty of Medical & Allied Health Sciences +91-08234-287436 / 287433

Department of Pharmacology


To train students in rational drug prescribing in accordance to patients’ need for treatment, prevention and diagnosis of common diseases with an emphasis, also on pharmacovigilance and drug prescription in children, elderly and pregnancy.


Equip the students with sufficient knowledge for rational drug prescription.

Train and enable the students to detect, evaluate, prevent and treat adverse drug reactions.

Enable the students to appreciate the essential and orphan drug concepts and their significance in the community.

To highlight the importance of pharmacoeconomics among the students.

To create awareness about ill effects of drugs in pregnancy, children and elderly among them.

To give them an idea about prescription of drugs for the control of fertility.

To enable the students to obtain proficiency in pharmacotherapeutics.

To equip the student with skills and knowledge for choosing future career options like teaching, medical research and pharmaceutical industry

Enabling students to appreciate the essential and orphan drug concepts and their significance in the community

Department of Pharmacology

The Department is committed to train undergraduate, postgraduate students and impart knowledge to

  1. Understand the general principles of drug action and handling of drugs by the body.
  2. Select and prescribe suitable drugs according to the needs of the patient for prevention, diagnosis and treatment of common ailments.
  3. Foresee, recognise, prevent and manage adverse drug effects.
  4. Avoid simultaneous use of drugs resulting in harmful interactions
  5. Judiciously use rational drug combinations in the best interest of the patient
  6. Comprehend the contribution of both drug and non drug factors in the outcome of treatment
  7. Judiciously use “over the counter” drugs and be aware of ill effects of social use of intoxicants
  8. Appreciate the essential drug concept and translate it in terms of drug needs for a given community
  9. Exercise caution in prescribing drugs likely to produce dependence and be aware of the treatment strategies for drug dependence
  10. Implement the drug treatment guidelines laid down for diseases covered under National Health Programmes
  11. Prescribe drugs for the control of fertility
  12. Understand, predict and prevent possible adverse effects of drugs on the foetus while treating pregnant woman
  13. Understand the age related factors while prescribing drugs in infants, children and geriatric patients
  14. Understand different types of bio-medical waste, their potential risks and their management
  15. Update the new drugs which have been approved for marketing

Faculty Details


Academic Activities

Extension activities

News Letters

Apart from undergraduate program, the department offers postgraduate degree and diploma courses. The department’s strength lies in its research profile and it continues to enhance it. Our faculty have been regularly involved in teaching and maintaining their research profile throughout.

Virtually every faculty member of our department provides education to our medical students, graduate students and have been involved in faculty development programs.  Our faculty are also mentor students to encourage and to get the best out of them.

The department is also encouraging students in medical students, by enrolling students for Short term studentship which was initiated by Indian council of Medical Research.