Faculty of Medical & Allied Health Sciences +91-08234-287436 / 287433
Faculty of Medical & Allied Health Sciences +91-08234-287436 / 287433

Publications: Department of Anatomy


  1. Rajendra R, Makandar UK, Tejaswi HL, Patil BG. Morphometric study of Gall Bladder in South Indian Population (Cadaveric study). Indian journal of Forensic and Community Medicine 2015; 2(1): 35-42.
  2. Makandar UK, Abdul Ravoof, Rajendra R, Patil BG.Prevalence of comparative study of metopism in north and south Indian Human Crania.Indian journal of Forensic and Community Medicine 2015; 2(1): 35-42.
  3. AbhaGulta, Makandar UK, Rajendra R, Patil BG. Comparative study of bleeding in pregnant and non-pregnant uterus in Rajasthan women. Accepted for publication in International Journal of Contemporary Surgery.(Ref no. 3285/IJOCS/2012 dated 20/05/2015)
  4. AbhaGulta, Makandar UK, Rajendra R, Patil BG. The comparative study of Anthropometric parameters of new born babies in ANEMIC Women. Accepted for publication in International Journal of Contemporary Medicine.(Ref no. 3401/IJOCM/2012 dated 04/06/2015)
  5. ManjappaSurendra ,HiremaraliLokanathanTejaswi , Raja RaoRajendra , Ningaiah Ajay.Langley’s ganglion in the sublingual gland of dog. Anatomica Karnataka 2015;9(1):1-5.
  6. Ajay N, Tejaswi H. L, Rajendra R, Makandar U. K. ”Cervical Vertebral Synostosis: An Osteological Study”. Journal of Evidence based Medicine and Healthcare 2015; 2(21):3190-3194.


  1. Asharani SK, Ajay N. A study on the nutrient foramen of humerus. Int J Anat Res 2016;4(3):2706-09. DOI: 10.16965/ijar.2016.312.
  2. Manjunath CS, Tejaswi Hiremarali Lokanathan. Anatomical variations in the origin of superior thyroid artery and its clinical significance.Int J Anat Res 2016;4(3):2656-68. DOI: 10.16965/ijar.2016.295
  3. Rahul A J, Tejaswi H L. The relationship between the deep fibular nerve and the dorsalis pedis artery in the anterior tarsal tunnel: a cadaveric study. Anatomy Journal of Africa. 2016;5(2):811-16.
  4. CS Manjunath, HL Tejaswi. Anatomy of the clavicle and its applicability in management of clavicular fractures. International Journal of Anatomy and Research 2016; 4(1): 2069-2072.
  5. H.G. Thejeshwari, R. Rajendra, U.K. Makandar, H.L. Thejaswi. Study of BMI in Junk Food Eaters of Both the Sexes in the Age Group 18-20. Indian Journal of Anatomy 2016;5(3):
  6. Rajendra R, Makandar U K. Sexual dimorphism of foramen ovale in south Indian population. Indian Journal of Anatomy.


  1. Thejeshwari H G, Makandar U K, Rajendra R. Sexual dimorphism of height in adults of south India population. Indian Journal of Anatomy 2017;6(2):249-151
  2. Thejeshwari H.G, Makandar U.K, Rajendra, Samruddi Puri. Sexual dimorphism of carrying angle of adults of south India population. Journal of Anatomy 2017;6(2):249-151.
  3. Thejeshwari H G, Makandar U K, Rajendra R. Correlation of carrying angle with height adults of south India population. Indian Journal of Anatomy and Physiology 2017;4(3):369-372.
  4. Shilpa M, Dakshayani K R. A study of sural nerve relationship with tendoachilis in human cadavers. International Journal of Anatomy and Research 2017;5(3): 4414-18.
  5. Shilpa M, Dakshayani K R. A cadaveric study of azygous venous system. International Journal of Anatomy and Research 2017;5(3): 4299-4302.



  1. Asharani SK. Attitude towards dissection among first year students in a medical college in Mandya. IJA 2018;7(3):252-4.


  1. Sharada BM. Study of metopic suture. IJAR 2019;7(2.1): 6341-44.
  2. Sharada BM. Morphometric study of thyroid cartilages in adults by dissection method. IJAR 2019:7(3): 6824-29.
  3. Sharada BM. Morphometric determination of sex of hyoid bone. NJCA 2019;8(3):1-4.
  4. Asharani SK. Perception of first year medical students towards newer methods of teaching in anatomy. SIJAP 2019;2(11):338-340.