Faculty of Medical & Allied Health Sciences +91-08234-287436 / 287433
Faculty of Medical & Allied Health Sciences +91-08234-287436 / 287433

Patient Rights & Responsibilities

Rights of Patient

  • You have a right to access the care
  • You have a right to demand privacy during examination, procedures & treatment
  • You have a right to protect against physical abuse and negligence
  • You have a right to demand confidentiality of information
  • You have a right to refuse the treatment
  • You have a right to complaint
  • You have a right to be included in decision and choice of your treatment
  • You can exercise your right as a parent and guardian of a child
  • Right to know cost of the treatment
  • Right to access medical record
  • You have a right to be shown respect

Responsibilities of Patient

  • Should tell us about your safety and concerns
  • Should provide consent for admission, treatment and procedure
  • Refrain from bringing valuables to the hospital
  • Refrain from smoking and consuming alcohol
  • Consider the wellbeing of others and respect hospital personnel
  • Refrain from making unreasonable demands
  • Provide information regarding your past and present medical history and ask questions if any
  • Follow your treatment and co-operate with hospital staff
  • Adhere to the hospital policy and procedures
  • You should promptly pay the fees of the hospital
  • Keep the hospital premises clean