Dr.RADHA.R , Professor, Department of Community Medicine, AIMS., B.G.Nagara.
Sl no. |
Original article title |
Author |
Index status |
Publication date |
1 |
International journal of health sciences and research |
“Assessment of existing knowledge, attitude ,and practices regarding biomedical waste management among the health care workers in a tertiary care rural hospital” |
First |
Indexed |
6-11-2012 |
2 |
Indian journal of medical specialities |
Clinico-epidemiological investigation and a retrospective evaluation of outbreak response in a village of tumkur district, karnataka .
First |
Indexed |
30-11-2012 |
3 |
International journal of health sciences and research |
Evaluation of implementation process and outcome of school AIDS education programme in secondary schools. |
First |
Indexed |
24-12-2012 |
4 |
National journal of community medicine |
Epidemiology of needle sticks injuries among the health care workers of a rural tertiary care hospital-A cross-sectional study. |
First |
Indexed |
30-12-2012 |
5 |
International journal of health sciences and research |
Assessment of safety culture and work place hazards with respect to sharp injuries existing in a tertiary care rural hospital: A cross-sectional study. |
First |
Indexed |
20-1-2013 |
6 |
International journal of medical sciences and public health |
Breast Feeding and Weaning Practices of mothers in a rural area – A cross-sectional study. |
second |
Indexed |
2013 |
7 |
International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health |
Eating disorders among medical students of a rural teaching hospital: a cross-sectional study |
first |
Indexed |
2015 |
8 |
International journal of medical sciences and public health |
Prevalence of obesity and awareness of its risk factors among medical students of a rural teaching hospital of south India: a cross-sectional study |
first |
Indexed |
2015 |
9 |
International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health |
Contraceptive knowledge, attitude and practice among married women of reproductive age group in a rural area of Karnataka: a cross sectional study |
first |
indexed |
2017 |
10 |
National journal of community medicine |
Domestic Violence among Ever Married Women of Reproductive Age Group in a Rural Area of Karnataka: A Cross Sectional Study |
first |
indexed |
2017 |
11 |
International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health |
Assessment of risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus among rural population in Karnataka by using Indian diabetes risk score |
first |
indexed |
2017 |
12 |
International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health |
Awareness and practices related to dengue fever among rural high school students: a cross sectional study |
first |
indexed |
April 2018 |
13 |
International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health |
International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health |
first |
indexed |
April 2018 |
Dr.Shashikiran.M., Associate Professor, Department of Community Medicine, AIMS, B.G.Nagar
Sl No. | Journal | Original Article title | Author | Indexing status | Year |
1 | Journal of medical research and practice; JMRP March 2012; Vol No 1 Issue 3; Pages 68-72 | Assessment of Triglycerides among diabetic patients with Peripheral neuropathy | 2nd Author | Indexed | March 2012 |
2 | Indian Journal of Rural Health Care; Jan-Mar 2013;Vol 1;Issue 3; Pages 196-200 | Prevalence of Anemia among tribal school children in Salem District, TamilNadu | 1st Author | Indexed | Jan-Mar 2013 |
3 | Karnataka. International Journal of Medical Science and Public Health | 2016 | Vol 5 | Issue 08 (Online First), Pages 1-5 |
A cross-sectional study of suicidal attempts admitted in a rural tertiary care hospital, Mandya,
2nd Author | Indexed | 2016 |
4 | Journal of Medical sciences & Health. Jan-Apr 2017, Vol 3 Issue1, Pages 26-29 | A Community based cross-sectional study on Prevalence of stunting among rural school children in BG Nagara, a rural area in Mandya District, Karnataka, | 2nd Author | Indexed | Jan-Apr 2017 |
5 | Annals of Community Health, Jan-Mar 2018, Vol 6, Issue 1, Pages 9-14 |
A Study of Factors Associated with Low Birth Weight in a Tertiary Care Centre in Rural South India, |
1st Author | Indexed | Jan-Mar 2018 |
Dr.Sheethal, Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine, AIMS., B.G.Nagara.
S.no | Journal | Original article title | Author | Indexing status | Publication year |
1 | IJHSR | A cross-sectional study on self medication among nursing students in Mandya. | First | Indexed | 2014 |
2 | Int J Med Sci Public Health. | A cross-sectional study on the dermatological conditions among the elderly population in Mandya city | First | Indexed | 2015 |
3 | Int J Med Sci Public Health. | Assessment of quality of life among anganwadi workers of Mandya city | First | Indexed | 2015 |
4 | Int J Med Sci Public Health. | Assessment of quality of life (QoL) in known hypertensive workers of Karnataka State Road Transport Corporation (KSRTC), Mandya district | First | Indexed | 2015 |
5 | IJHSR | Knowledge, Attitude and Practice Regarding Food Safety among the Anganwadiworkers in Mandya District.. | First | Indexed | 2015 |
6 | Int J Community Med Public Health | A cross-sectional study on the coverage and utilization of sanitary latrine in rural field practice area of a tertiary care hospital in Southern Karnataka | First | Indexed | 2016 |
7 | APCRI | Awareness regarding rabies and its prevention among first year medical college students of Mandya Institute of Medical Sciences, Mandya. | Second | Indexed | 2012 |
8 | IJHSR | Perception and practices regarding first-aid among nursing students in Mandya | Second | Indexed | 2012 |
9 | NJIRM | Knowledge, Attitude And Practices Regarding AYUSH Among The Allopathic Doctors In Mandya District | Second | Indexed | 2015 |
10 | Int J Community Med Public Health | Prevalence of low birth weight and its associated factors: a community based cross sectional study in a rural area of Rohtak, Haryana, India | Second | Indexed | 2016 |
11 |
Int J Community Med Public Health | Dietary diversity among women in the reproductive age group in a rural field practice area of a medical college in Mandya district, Karnataka, India | Second | Indexed | 2016 |
12 |
Int J Med Sci Public Health | Prevalence of depression among post graduate residents in a tertiary health care institute, Haryana | Second | Indexed | 2016 |
13 |
Int J Community Med Public Health | Awareness of oral cancer and its risk factors in a rural community in Mandya, Karnataka, India | Third | Indexed | 2016 |
14 |
Natl J Community Med | Awareness among Students of a Medical College Regarding Management of Animal Bite in Bijapur, Karnataka | Second | Indexed | 2017 |
15 |
Ntl J Community Med | Study on Access to Improved Source of Drinking Water in Rural Households of a Block in District Rohtak, Haryana | Second | Indexed | 2017 |
16 |
Ntl J Community Med | Awareness about Malaria Transmission and Its Preventive Measures among Households in an Urban Area OfMandya, Karnataka | Second | Indexed | 2018 |
Dr Raghavendra S K
Sl no. |
Original article title |
Author |
Index status |
Publication date |
1 |
International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health |
Determinants of utilization of maternity benefit schemes among mothers in urban slums of Davangere city, Karnataka, India |
Third |
Indexed |
March 2016 |
2 |
Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences |
A Study of Service Utilization and Client Satisfaction among Patients Attending a District Ayush Hospital in Karnataka |
Second |
Indexed |
January 2017 |
3 |
The Journal of Community Health Management |
Practice of Self care and Self Medications among Government Health care providers. |
Fourth |
Indexed |
December 2019 |
4 |
Annals of Community Health |
A Study of Factors Associated with Low Birth Weight in a Tertiary Care Centre in Rural South India |
Second |
Indexed |
Jan-March 2018 |
5 |
Indian Journal of Contemporary Paediatrics |
A study on health care seeking pattern of under five children in the rural field practice area of a medical college in Mandya District, Karnataka, India |
Third |
Indexed |
September 2018 |
6 |
National Journal of Research in Community Medicine |
Menstrual Hygiene among adolescent girls in the rural field practice area of medical college in Mandya. |
Second |
Indexed |
September 2019 |
7 |
International Journal of Community Medicine |
A Cross Sectional Study to assess the Socio-demographic Factors and Housing Conditions Influencing the Morbidity of Primary School Children. |
First |
Indexed |
September 2019 |
8 |
International Journal of Community Medicine |
A Study on Morbidity Profilr among Primary School children in the Rural Field Practice Area of a Medical College in Karnataka. |
First |
Indexed |
September 2019 |
9 |
Indian Journal of Forensic and Community Medicine. |
A Cross Sectional Study on Domestic Violence among married women of reproductive age in rural Mandya. |
Second |
Indexed |
October 2019 |
Dr Shashikantha SK, Assistant Professor, Community Medicine, AIMS, B G Nagara
S.no | Journal | Original article title | Author | Indexing status | Publication year |
Int J Community Med Public Health | Prevalence of low birth weight and its associated factors: a community based cross sectional study in a rural area of Rohtak, Haryana, India | First | Indexed | 2016 |
Int J Med Sci Public Health | Awareness among junior residents regarding management of animal bite in a tertiary care hospital in Haryana | First | Indexed | 2015 |
Int J Community Med Public Health | Dietary diversity among women in the reproductive age group in a rural field practice area of a medical college in Mandya district, Karnataka, India | First | Indexed | 2016 |
Int J Med Sci Public Health | Prevalence of depression among post graduate residents in a tertiary health care institute, Haryana | First | Indexed | 2016 |
International Journal of recent trends in Science and technology | Knowledge attitude and practice about malaria transmission and its preventive measures among households in an urban area of Rohtak, Haryana | First | Indexed | 2014 |
International Journal of recent trends in Science and technology | Awareness regarding rabies and its prevention among final year medical students in a tertiary health care institute in Mandya, Karnataka. | First | Indexed | 2015 |
Natl J Community Med | Awareness among Students of a Medical College Regarding Management of Animal Bite in Bijapur, Karnataka | First | Indexed | 2017 |
Ntl J Community Med | Study on Access to Improved Source of Drinking Water in Rural Households of a Block in District Rohtak, Haryana | First | Indexed | 2017 |
Ntl J Community Med | Awareness Regarding Tobacco Consumption in Any Form and Its Ill Effects on Health in a Rural Community in Mandya District, Karnataka. | First | Indexed | 2018 |
Ntl J Community Med | Awareness about Malaria Transmission and Its Preventive Measures among Households in an Urban Area OfMandya, Karnataka | First | Indexed | 2018 |
Int J Community Med Public Health | Awareness of oral cancer and its risk factors in a rural community in Mandya, Karnataka, India | Second | Indexed | 2016 |
Int J Community Med Public Health | A cross-sectional study on the coverage and utilization of sanitary latrine in rural field practice area of a tertiary care hospital in Southern Karnataka | Second | Indexed | 2016 |
Human Vaccines &Immunotherapeutics | India is on the way forward to maternal and neonatal tetanus elimination!. | Second | Indexed | 2012 |
Human Vaccines &Immunotherapeutics | Malaria Vaccine: A step toward elimination. | Fourth | Indexed | 2014 |
Human Vaccines &Immunotherapeutics | Dengue vaccine: A valuable asset for the future | Fourth | Indexed | 2014 |
International journal of Medical Science and Public Health | Prevalence of Low birth weight and associated factors: A community based cross sectional study in a rural area of Rohtak, Haryana | First | Indexed | 2013 |
International journal of Medical Science and Public Health | A cross-sectional survey of Breast feeding practices among lactating mothers attending immunization clinic in rural area, District Rohtak, Haryana | Fifth | Indexed | 2013 |
International journal of Medical Science and Public Health | Assessment of utilization practices and quality of drinking water among households of a rural area, Rohtak, Haryana: A cross sectional study. | Sixth | Indexed | 2013 |
Dr Manuja LM
Sl no.
Original article title
Index Status
Publication date
1 |
The Association for Prevention and Control of Rabies in India [APCRI] journal |
Profile of Patients Attending Anti Rabies Clinic in A Government Tertiary Care Hospital in South Karnataka and Their Compliance to 4 Dose Intra Dermal Rabies Vaccine. |
Third |
Indexed |
2015 |
2 |
National Journal of Research in Community Medicine |
Health behavior of rural people belonging to different categories of new consumer classification system. |
First |
Indexed |
2016 |
3 |
Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences |
Clinico Epidemiological Profile of Wild Animal Bite Victims Attending Anti Rabies Clinic at Government Tertiary Care Centre in Mandya. |
Third |
Indexed |
2014 |
4 |
National Journal of Research in Community Medicine |
Socio demographic profile of patients on Directly Observed Treatment Short Course Chemotherapy in Mandya Tuberculosis Unit, Karnataka. |
Second |
Indexed |
2018 |
5 |
International Journal of Community Medicine and public health |
Knowledge regarding rabies and its prevention among first year medical college students, Mandya. |
Second |
Indexed |
2018 |
6 |
National Journal of Research in Community Medicine |
Menstrual Hygiene among adolescent girls in the rural field practice area of medical college in Mandya. |
First |
Indexed |
2019 |
7 |
International Journal of Community Medicine and public health |
Health insurance coverage and its awareness among population in the rural field practice area of Adichunchanagiri Institute of Medical Sciences, B G Nagara, Karnataka |
First |
Indexed |
2019 |
8 |
National Journal of Community Medicine |
A Cross Sectional Study on Vaccination Coverage of Children in the Urban Slums of Bangalore. |
First |
Indexed |
2018 |