To provide excellent diagnostic and support services to patients, the community and clinical colleagues.
To maintain a high standard of training and education.
To create an environment where staff members can develop their full potential.
To remain informed with regard to new developments, to evaluate critically and implement where applicable, new laboratory techniques and methods,
To undertake research and to collaborate with technical, academic and research staff in Faculties of Health Sciences, nationally and internationally
To develop, through appropriate and quality training, microbiologists, medical technologists, and staff who will be able to fulfill positions and benefit any community or institution
To initiate and be involved in research projects that contribute to promoting the department as an institution of excellence for the ultimate advantage of the community, patients, students, clinicians
Microbiology is a discipline that involves the study of bacteria, viruses, parasites, fungi and immunology. The greatest achievements in medical science are attributed to developments in diagnosis, treatment and prevention of several diseases. Microbiology with fundamentals on infectious diseases contributed immensely to the prevention and management of many communicable diseases which in turn reduced the mortality and morbidity. Medical Microbiology plays a role in setting guidelines for sterilization, biomedical waste management, hospital infection control, selection of antimicrobial agents for treatment and vaccination programmes for prevention of infection diseases. The scope of medical microbiology continues to expand with emerging and re-emerging infections.
The Department of Microbiology is having qualified, experienced, well trained and dedicated faculty. The department renders diagnostic services to Adichunchanagiri Hospital and Research Centre (AH &RC) along with teaching facilities to MBBS, Post graduate degree in Microbiology, Nursing and Paramedical courses.
The central laboratory is situated in AH& RC premises renders service around the clock in the diagnosis of infectious diseases by hosting various laboratory tests of bacteriology, mycology, parasitology, serology and immunology. Department is actively involved in hospital infection surveillance and setting guidelines for antibiotic policy. RNTCP and ICTC/HIV surveillance are attached to microbiology section of central laboratory.
The department is organizing guest lectures, continued medical education (CME) programmes and workshops and actively involved in research on various fields in-coordination with other departments.
MBBS student at the end of Microbiology Course will be able to:
M.D. Microbiology student at the end of the course will be able to: