Faculty of Medical & Allied Health Sciences +91-08234-287436 / 287433
Faculty of Medical & Allied Health Sciences +91-08234-287436 / 287433

Institutional Animal Ethics Committee-IAEC

Objectives, Roles, and Responsibilities

  1. Provide independent, competent and timely review of the ethics of a proposed study before the commencement of the same and regularly monitor the ongoing studies.
  1. Review and approve all research proposals involving animal experiments with a view to assure quality maintenance and welfare of animals used in laboratory studies while conducting research.
  2. Approve research involving animals which conform to the various guidelines for use of animals in research.
  3. Review periodically the Institute’s animal facility.
  4. Review and investigate legitimate concerns involving the care and use of animals during research.
  5. Suspend the research activity which does not adhere to guidelines for use of animals in research and take corrective action.
  6. Ensure that all personnel involved in animal care and use are appropriately qualified to perform their duties and conduct proposed activities.
  7. Every researcher must be trained enough in animal experimentation either during education or by training provided by competent trainers.

AIMS IAEC Member List (2022 to 2027)

Internal members

  1. Dr M G Shivaramu, Chairperson, Scientist from different discipline
  2. Dr Ravi Shankar M, Member Secretary
  3. Dr Hombegowda G P, Veterinarian
  4. Dr Vinaya M, Scientist from different biological discipline
  5. Dr Ajay N, Scientist from different biological discipline

CPCSEA Nominees

  1. Dr Sangeetha Rajkamal, Main Nominee
  2. Dr J Anbu, CPCSEA Link Nominee
  3. Dr Mohd. Sadique, Scientist from outside the institute
  4. Mr Sasi Kumar M, Socially aware nominee

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