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Faculty of Medical & Allied Health Sciences +91-08234-287436 / 287433

Report of the presentation on EBSCO Database (DynaMed and Micromedex with Watson)

Adichunchanagiri Institute of Medical Sciences > AIMS-LRC > Report of the presentation on EBSCO Database (DynaMed and Micromedex with Watson)

In view of celebrating “National Library Week” at AIMS from November 14th-20th, 2021, the AIMS Learning Resource Centre, in association with AIMS-IQAC and NAAC, hadorganized an “EBSCO” databasepresentation (DynaMed and Micromedex with Watson) for the faculty members and Postgraduatesat AIMS Seminar Hallon 18th November 2021. The resource persons wereMr. Venkatesha Kumar, Business Manager, EBSCO Information Services, Bangalore&Dr. Poulomi Das, medical subject expert,who joined the session online.

In the presentation, Mr. Venkatesha Kumar gave an overview of the EBSCO database and its services to the learning community. He introduced DynaMed and Micromedex serving with Watson: An Evidence-Based Medicine database for the audience,explained the special features of the database with the comparison of other databases like Clinical Key, ProQuest, Access Medicine, and others.

Dr. Poulomi Das, the EBSCO medical expert demonstrated,online about the DynaMedand Micromedex database. The session was interactive and informative for the participants. The faculty members and Postgraduates of AIMS attended the session. 

The session started with a welcome address by Dr.Ramya, Postgraduate, Pathology followed by the introduction of the speaker by Dr. Padmanabha T S, Assoc. Prof., Pharmacology. The session concluded with a Vote of thanks by Dr. Sudhir G K, Prof. & Head, Physiology and AIMS IQAC Coordinator.