Faculty of Medical & Allied Health Sciences +91-08234-287436 / 287433
Faculty of Medical & Allied Health Sciences +91-08234-287436 / 287433

Phase 3 Part1 Mentor ward committee

MBBS phase III part I mentor ward committee was constituted in the year 2014 with a goal to periodically monitor, assess, support and guide the students to make them a confident graduate.


  • Short term goal- To provide a support system which helps you make a smooth transition into your new life as a medical student
  • Long term goal- To periodically monitor, assess and guide you which will lead you on a fruitful path that realizes your full potential as a student and as a person.


  • To facilitate the mentees to acquire the requisite knowledge, skills, attitudes, values and responsiveness, so that they may function appropriately and effectively as physicians of first contact in the community.
  • Shape students into confident graduates with excellent leadership, communication, critical thinking, professionalism and other skills important to the transition to the world of work.
  • Equip students with the understanding and tools to make ethical and informed decisions.
  • Help identify career paths for students and support student’s personal growth.
  • Provide an opportunity for students to learn and practice professional networking skills.


Mentor ward committee Members
  • Chairperson: Dr MG Shivaramu, Principal AIMS
  • Phase III Part I Co Ordinator: Dr Chinmayi Y, Associate Prof, Dept of Forensic Medicine& Toxicology
  • Department Coordinators:
  • Dr Krishnaveni Y.S, SR, Dept of Community Medicine
  • Dr. Shashikumar, Asst Prof, Dept of Ophthalmology
  • Dr Nita, Asso Prof, Dept of ENT
  • Dr Chinmayi Y, Asso Prof, Dept of Forensic Medicine.
  • All the faculty Assistant, Associate and professors of Departments of Community medicine, Ophthalmology, ENT and Forensic medicine are the mentors for Phase III Part 1 students.

Functions of the committee

  • The total number of Phase3 Part 1 MBBS students are divided among all the faculty of the Departments of Forensic Medicine, Community medicine, ENT and ophthalmology.
  • On an average of 6-7 students are allotted to each faculty. Personal details will be collected in google form and hard copy and copies will be sent to the respective students.
  • Every month at least one mentor mentee interaction will be held on a fixed day and the students will be asked if they are facing any problems and mentee’s will address their issues and counsel them. The same will be documented in a proforma and department coordinators will be responsible for maintaining those files.
  • Department mentor ward coordinators will send a consolidated report of mentor mentee interaction and attendance extract monthly to the phase coordinators, Phase coordinator will compile and E mail and SMS attendance to the parents every month.
  • Internal assessment marks of all students will be mailed by the department coordinator to the Phase III Part 1 coordinator. The compiled marks list of all departments will be mailed to the parents of respective students within 15 days of exam conduction.
  • Slow learners, average learners will be listed in each department for remedial class.
  • Annual report of the year will be prepared and documented by the Phase coordinator.

Department coordinators meeting will be conducted once in 3 months and as and when required.