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Faculty of Medical & Allied Health Sciences +91-08234-287436 / 287433

World Population Day 2023 organized by Dept of Community Medicine

Adichunchanagiri Institute of Medical Sciences > Departments (AIMS) > Dept. of Community Medicine > World Population Day 2023 organized by Dept of Community Medicine

Date: 11-07-2023

Venue: Seminar Hall AIMS

Department of Community Medicine in association with Women & Children welfare Department, Child Development Program office Nagamangala has Organized ‘World Population  Day’ on 11th  July  2023 at Seminar Hall AIMS,    B G Nagar. 

On this occasion an awareness session was conducted at AIMS Seminar Hall, B G Nagar.  Dr. M G Shivaramu Principal and Dean Health Sciences Inaugurated the program by lightning the lamp. Dr.Amulya Assistant  professor Welcomed all the Guests and participants.  Dr.Radha R HOD Dept of Community Medicine given the Introductory speech on World Population Day. Dr.Vijay Hugar addressed the Anganwadi Workers and given Lecture on World Population Day, Highlighting  Recent updates of  Family planning methods  and  Population Trends. Dr. Manuja Assoc Professor delivered the speech on Importance of female literacy  to combat population growth.  Around 100 Anganwadi Workers were actively Participated during the session.

All the Faculty members, Medico social workers, Interns and non-teaching staff were present in the program.