Integrated teaching Programme on “Sexually Transmitted Infections” was conducted for MBBS 2022 CBME Batch students on 10.10.2024 from 11.00 to 01.00 pm in the Lecture Hall 3. Dr. Sujith Pavan Assistant Professor of Microbiology, welcomed the gathering and anchored the programme. Dr. Shakthi R, Associate professor of Microbiology briefed about etiological agents of Sexually Transmitted Diseases. Dr. Prakash V B, Associate professor of Pathology explained the Pathogenesis. Dr. Yogesh D, Professor of Dermatology briefed the Clinical features. Dr. Shakthi R, Associate professor of Microbiology discussed about Laboratory diagnosis. Dr. Vinaya M, Associate Professor of Pharmacology briefed the Treatment aspects. Dr. Harsha Kumar H N, Professor of Community Medicine discussed about the Syndromic approach, Prevention and control. All faculty members and 201 CBME students attended the programme. The session was concluded with vote of thanks. Feedback on
the programme was taken using google forms.