Faculty of Medical & Allied Health Sciences +91-08234-287436 / 287433
Faculty of Medical & Allied Health Sciences +91-08234-287436 / 287433
Jai Sri Gurudev 
Adichunchanagiri University 
Adichunchanagiri Institute of Medical Sciences 
“ 76th Republic Day “ celebrated with great pomp and fervour at AIMS, B G Nagara in the gracious presence of Poojya Sri Satkirthinatha Swamiji 
Dr M G Shivaramu, Principal of AIMS unfurled the National Tricolour and addressed the gathering 
Mr Umesh, FO of ACU, Dr Victoria, Principal of ACN, Dr Komala , Principal of BGS INS, Mr Kiran kumar, PE Director, AIMS, faculty and students participated enthusiastically in the program.
Students of Medical and Nursing Colleges put up spirited cultural displays which included patriotic music, songs and dances 
Prasadam was distributed to all the attendees.