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Dissertation writing Workshop for MD/MS PG students of 2022-23 Batch

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IIJai Sri Gurudevll
Adichunchanagiri University
Adichunchanagiri Institute of Medical Sciences
Scientific Committee
Dissertation writing Workshop for MD/MS PG students of 2022-23 Batch
Scientific committee AIMS, conducted a “Dissertation Writing workshop” for MD/MS PG students of 2022-23 batch on 8th and 9th January 2025, at GBS BGS hall, AIMS.
Objective of the programme was to provide hands on training to the participants with the skills and potentiality of writing the dissertation effectively.
66 final year Postgraduate students participated in the workshop.
The program began with registration, pretest and  talk by Dr Krishnaveni YS on “ How to write methodology”. This was followed by inauguration of the workshop which was presided by Dr MG Shivaramu, Dean, Medical and Allied Health Sciences, Adichunchanagiri University, who briefed the students about the importance of research in career development and in evidence based practice.
“Data Organization and Analysis” was presented in a detailed deliberation by Dr Raghavendra SK, followed by a talk on “How to present the Results” by Dr Amita K. Dr Aliya Nusrath, Vice Principal,AIMS,ACU delivered an elaborate talk on “How to write discussion”; which was followed by a session on “Writing Abstract, Summary and Conclusion” by Dr Bhagyashree N. 
Day 2 began with reflections of the previous day followed by an extensive deliberation on “How to write a manuscript for publication” by Dr Tejaswi HL“. Session on “Reference writing”  was delivered by Dr Vaibhavi PS, 
 followed by a session on “Plagiarism and Language Skills” by Dr Aliya Nusruth. This was followed by a session on “Template for dissertation” by Dr Amita K. The program concluded with a post test, feedback, certificate distribution and vote of thanks by Dr Amita K.
The post test scores were significantly higher as compared to the pre test scores, implicating the success of the workshop.