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Faculty of Medical & Allied Health Sciences +91-08234-287436 / 287433

Guest lecture on “Genetics & Genomics in Healthcare”

Adichunchanagiri Institute of Medical Sciences > Main Page Alerts > Guest lecture on “Genetics & Genomics in Healthcare”
II Jai Sri Gurudev ll
Adichunchanagiri University
Faculty of Medical & Allied Health Sciences 
Adichunchanagiri Institute of Medical Sciences
As a part of  *Vijnatham Utsav 2025 & 12th Annual coronation ceremony of Paramapoojya Jagadguru Sri Sri Sri Dr. Nirmalanandanatha Mahaswamiji,* a guest lecture was organized on *“Genetics & Genomics in Healthcare: Is it time to start genetics and Genomics Department in Medical Schools”* delivered by the Guest speaker *Dr. Nallur B Ramachandrappa*, Professor (Retd) & DAE – Raja Ramanna Chair, Former Founder Chairman, Department of studies in Genetics and Genomics, Manasagangotri, Mysore University, Mysuru on 19th February 2025 at Adichunchanagiri Institute of Medical Sciences.
The programme was facilitated by *Scientific committee, AIMS and Student Council AIMS*, under the guidance of *Dr. MG Shivaramu*, Principal AIMS and Dean Health Sciences (Medical), ACU. 
The programme was graced by *Dr. M. A. Shekar*, Honourable Vice-chancellor of Adichunchanagiri University, *Dr Aliya Nusrath*, Vice Principal, Adichunchanagiri Institute of Medical Sciences, *Dr. Amita K*, Scientific committee coordinator and the Guest Speaker *Dr. Nallur B Ramachandrappa*,
Objective of the programme was to explore the significance, advancements and integration of genetics and genomics in healthcare, highlighting the need and potential for establishing dedicated departments in medical schools.
The guest speaker highlighted the growing importance of integrating genetics and genomics into medical education to enhance personalized healthcare, address ethical considerations, and prepare future clinicians for advancements in genomic medicine.
The outcome of the scientific session was to emphasize the need to establish dedicated genetics and genomics departments in medical schools to equip future healthcare professionals with the knowledge and skills for personalized and genomics-based medicine.
The programme was attended by 300+  3rd year and final year MBBS students  and teaching faculty from various Departments