Faculty of Medical & Allied Health Sciences +91-08234-287436 / 287433
Faculty of Medical & Allied Health Sciences +91-08234-287436 / 287433
II Jai Sri Gurudev II
Adichunchanagiri University
 Faculty of Medical and Allied Health Sciences
Adichunchanagiri Institute of Medical Sciences
 Department of Microbiology organised  an invited lecture by an Alumni in association with Taluk Health Office, Nagamangala, Mandya district on the occasion of Louis Pasteur Day  on 30.12.2024 from 11am to 1pm
Dr.Yashaswini MK, Professor and HOD, Department  of Microbiology, Sri Chamundeshwari  Medical College Hospital and Research Institute, Channapattana,  delivered  talk on  “Immunoprophylaxis: Building a Healthier Tomorrow”. 245 Phase II MBBS students attended the programme. 
The objectives which were aimed to honour the legacy of Louis Pasteur  by raising awareness about the importance of vaccination in preventing infectious diseases , fostering public health and encouraging scientific innovation were successfully achieved.