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Faculty of Medical & Allied Health Sciences +91-08234-287436 / 287433

Orientation Programme on Elective Postings

Adichunchanagiri Institute of Medical Sciences > Main Page Alerts > Orientation Programme on Elective Postings
||Jai Sri Gurudev||
Adichunchanagiri University 
Faculty of Medical Sciences & Allied Health Sciences 
Adichunchanagiri Institute of Medical Sciences 
On February 6, 2025, the Institutional Curriculum Committee (ICC) conducted an orientation towards electives, explaining the how, who, what, and when related to the process. The program started with a welcome to the audience by Dr. Kokila BN, Professor and Head of the Department of Pharmacology and Coordinator of ICC. Dr. Aliya Nusrath, Vice Principal of AIMS, conducted the orientation session. Students were then given the option to select elective modules based on availability by completing Google Forms. Module selection by the students was moderated by Dr. Vinay H R, with coordination from other ICC members.
Electives, a National Medical Commission (NMC) mandate, will be conducted for one month. The electives are divided into two blocks: Block 1 focuses on preclinical/para clinical subjects (with 9 electives available), and Block 2 focuses on clinical subjects (with 11 electives available). A maximum of 17 students were allotted to each block 1 module and 14 students in block 2. A total of 152 students participated in the elective program. 
Elective modules allow students to focus on subjects of particular interest or those that will support their future career ambitions. Electives can expand students’ knowledge and experiences while at university, allowing them to have an insight into their future specializations.