Faculty of Medical & Allied Health Sciences +91-08234-287436 / 287433
Faculty of Medical & Allied Health Sciences +91-08234-287436 / 287433

Workshop on Therapeutic hypothermia in HIE

Sl. No.

Particulars in Field



Event name

Workshop on Therapeutic hypothermia in HIE


Organizing Department/ Committee/ Others

Department of Paeidatrics


Type of Event



Level of event



Collaboration / accreditation if any

Motherhood hospital Mysore and IAP Mandya district


Dates/ and Duration

04th December 2024, 11:00am to 4:00pm



 BGS Global Broadcasting Center, AIMS and NICU, Department of Paediatrics


Details of delegates/ target audience

Faculty, PG students, Interns and final year MBBS students


Total Number of delegates/ Audiences attended



Objectives of the event

To update the knowledge and practical approach to Therapeutic hypothermia in HIE. Also to familiarize the PG and Faculty regarding the management of HIE and Neonatal ventilation


Brief Report of the Event

The event was honored by the presence of Dr. M.G. Shivaramu, Principal of AIMS and Dean of Health Sciences (Medical), ACU. Dr.Shivakumar K M, chief of Hospital AH & RC and Dr Ravi K S deputy chief of hospital were the guests of honor. The guest speakers were:  Dr Suhaim Afsar MBBS, DNB, MRCPCH(UK), RCPCH( UK),International Fellowship in Neonatalogy and Dr Puskarni  MD,DNB, Fellowship in Neonatalogy from Motherhood hospital Mysore.

The chief guest, Dr.M G Shivaramu delivered an inspiring address on the importance of  updating ourselves with recent advances in management of not only neonatal asphyxia but also on the overall effective care of tiny neonates.

Dr Ravi KS deputy chief of hospital appreciated the department of pediatrics for conducting scientific programs & thus providing opportunities for the students and faculty to learn new things in the speciality. Dr K B Mahendrappa,HOD Paediatrics  welcomed the guests and in his welcome address he emphasized the measures needs to be taken to prevent babies going in for physical & mental retardation. Dr Mahendrappa quoted that out of 40 lakh neonatal deaths every year in the world around 23% of these deaths are due to birth asphyxia and many babies who survive asphyxia end up with under developmental abnormalities.  He highlighted the role of therapeutic hypothermia in prevention of ongoing brain injury in asphyxiated neonates. He also said that, therapeutic hypothermia being practiced  in 75% of the hospitals in the world especially in UK, has proven efficacy in reducing the ongoing brain injury in asphyxia.

The scientific session was followed by hands on workshop,wherein the experts demonstrated the complete procedure  of therapeutic hypothermia and the participants were made to perform the procedure independently.  Dr Shri Raksha introduced the guest speaker Dr Suhaim through which his immense knowledge and his work in neonatology was emphasized.

The key topics discussed by Dr Suhaim afsar were Introduction to Therapeutic Hypothermia- Overview of technique, indication and mechanism of action, clinical

applications, focused on Neonatal HIE, case studies and evidence based guidelines , Implementation Protocols, discussion, equipment demonstrations (cooling blankets, caps) including Ethical and Safety Considerations. He also addressed the complications and contraindications of  therapeutic hypothermia. Ethical dilemmas in therapeutic hypothermia use were highlighted.

This was followed by talk on Neonatal ventilation scenario based by Dr Puskarni where in she explained about Introduction to Neonatal Ventilation, Overview of respiratory physiology in neonates, basics of mechanical ventilation and its indications. Dr Puskarni also explained the Case-Based scenarios like

RDS requiring surfactant therapy,meconium aspiration syndrome, preterm neonate on HFOV due to severe BPD.

There was a Hands-on Training in the post lunch session, wherein participants were provided with hands-on training on: Use of hypothermia equipment, Monitoring techniques for temperature, neurological outcomes, and systemic complications.  Simulation-based scenarios to manage adverse events, Setup and troubleshooting of neonatal ventilators. Monitoring techniques like ABGs, oxygenation indices, and ventilator graphics were addressed. Guest speakers also trained the participants regarding the  use of Transport incubator with inbuilt ventilator while transporting babies from peripheral hospital to NICU.


Feedback Analysis (Brief)

The program successfully achieved its objectives, empowering participants with the knowledge and skills necessary for the effective application of therapeutic hypothermia and neonatal transport in clinical settings.The participants were happy to learn the practical aspects of therapeutic hypothermia. Overall the hands on workshop was very informative and useful event.



The scientific session increased participant knowledge on therapeutic hypothermia protocols and outcomes.Strengthened clinical skills in managing patients requiring therapeutic hypothermia and transport of babies using a transport incubator with ventilator support. Fostered networking among healthcare professionals for better collaboration in research and clinical practice.