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Faculty of Medical & Allied Health Sciences +91-08234-287436 / 287433
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“Sensitization Programme on Recent Updates of National Tuberculosis Elimination Programme (NTEP)” for Nursing Students and Staff of Adichunchanagiri Institute of Medical Sciences.    
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REPORT OF DISSERTATION WRITING WORKSHOP FOR SECOND YEAR POSTGRADUATE STUDENTS OF 2020-21 ON 3 rd AND 4 th MARCH 2022 by AIMS Scientific Committee, B G Nagara. Desseratation Writing Workshop March 2022 Summary Report
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Webinar on “Good governance, dynamic leadership and visionary management – the mantra for success of an organization” organized by Institutional NAAC & IQAC as part of Criteria 6 of NAAC, in continuation with its criteria-wise webinar series, on 2nd March 2022 between 2 to 4 PM through Medwhiz – Zoom platform.
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