More than 160 delegates from various institutes across Karnataka and from outside the state attended the conference. The registration started at 8:30 am, was handled by Dr. Namitha D, Dr. Mythri S, and Ms. Inchara S.
The resource persons were eminent and expert in the field of renal health and disease. The whole session was compeered by Dr. Gayathri Brahmanandam and Dr. Yashas B P, interns at AIMS.
The inauguration of the conference was deeply honored by the esteemed presence of Parampoojya Jagadguru Sri Sri Sri Dr. Nirmalanandanatha Mahaswamiji, Honourable Chancellor of ACU. The Event was graced by Dr. M. A. Shekar, Honorable Vice Chancellor of ACU; Dr. C. K. Subbaraya, Registrar of ACU; Dr. M. G. Shivaramu, Dean Faculty of Health Sciences (Medical) ACU, Principal of AIMS; and Dr. K. M. Shivakumar, Chief of Hospital, AHRC, Sri B. K. Umesh, Registrar of AIMS & Finance Officer at ACU; Dr. Kiran M. Naik, Vice Principal, AHRC; Organizing Chairman Dr. Aliya Nusrath, Vice Principal, Professor and Head, department of Biochemistry; and Organizing Secretary Dr. Asharani N, Professor, Dept. of Biochemistry. In addition, the event was dignified with the presence of Dr. Poornima Manjrekar, AMBKC Secretary.
Welcome address was rendered by Dr. Aliya Nusrath, Dr. Shivaramu addressed on the initial remarks of the conference, Key note address was delivered by Dr. M A Shekar. The inauguration ceremony continued with His Holiness Parampoojya Jagadguru Sri Sri Sri Dr. Nirmalanandanatha Mahaswamiji offering the ashirvachana for the conference.
The recipient of the prestigious Dr. Jayaprakash Murthy Memorial Oration Award, was honoured to Dr. Gurupadappa K, Professor and Head, Dept. of Biochemistry at Shivamogga Institute of Medical Sciences, by His Holiness Parmapoojya Jagadguru Sri Sri Sri Dr. Nirmalanandanatha Mahaswamiji. Dr. Poornima Manjrekar was also felicitated for her support and guidance in conduction of conference.
Dr. Asharani N, the Organizing Secretary proposed the vote of thanks for the inaugural session.
Highlights of the session:
Session 1 (9:30 am -10:15 am): Dr. Anita R. Bijoor discussed the “Epidemiology and burden of renal disease in India” with Dr. Vanishree Bubanale and Dr. Prabhavathi K chairing the session.
Session 2 (10:15 am -11:00 am): Dr. M A Shekar presented on “Diabetic Kidney Disease: An Overview” chaired by Dr. Shivakumar and Dr. Shashidhar K N.
Session 3 (11:15 am -12:15 pm): The Dr. Jayaprakash Murthy Memorial Oration was delivered by Dr. Gurupadappa K on “Acute Kidney Injury Biomarker – How Useful in Early Detection of AKI” chaired by Dr. Aliya Nusrath and Dr. Dattatreya K.
Session 4 (1:45 pm -2:30 pm): Dr. Renuka S discussed on “Genetic testing in kidney diseases” chaired by Dr. Akila Prashant and Dr. Prashant Vishwanath.
Session 5 (2:30 pm -3:15 pm): Dr. Smitha Sonoli covered on “Renal Disease in Aging: Biochemical changes and Clinical Implications”, chaired by Dr. Parineetha P Bhat and Dr. Vivian Samuel.
Session 6 (3:15 pm -4:15 pm): Free paper oral presentations by PG and faculty on recent advances, conducted in six parallel halls.
Session 7: Executive Committee Meeting and PG Quiz prelims (Parallel session)
Session 8: General Body Meeting
Dr. Aliya Nusrath, welcomed the members, and key proceedings were steered by AMBKC office bearers. Condolence was expressed by all the delegates to the departed soul Dr. Nagarajappa. Financial report was given by Dr. Vivian Samuel for the last financial year. Dr. Aliya Nusrath, Dr. Anitha Devanath, and Dr. Akila Prashant were felicitated by AMBKC office bearers.