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Faculty of Medical & Allied Health Sciences +91-08234-287436 / 287433

Family Practice Certificate course Inauguration

Adichunchanagiri Institute of Medical Sciences > Main Page Alerts > Family Practice Certificate course Inauguration


Particulars in Field




Event name

Family Practice Certificate course




Organizing Department/ Committee/ Others

Department of General Medicine



Type of Event




Level of event

Interdepartmental  / Across all the Faculty



Collaboration / accreditation if any

AIMS,ACU, B.G.Nagara



Dates/ and Duration


10am to 2pm




BGS Global broadcasting Centre,Ground floor, AIMS,B G Nagara .


Details of delegates/ target audience

Faculty of all clinical departments, Tutors, Post Graduate Students, Interns, MBBS Graduates.


Total Number of delegates/ Audiences attended

150 Attendees


Objectives of the event

Launching of Family Practice Certification course

Patient Centric ,Comprehensive, Cost effective treatment for all age groups,Genders across all-discipline.



Brief Report of the Event (in about 200 words)

The department of  General Medicine . Adichunchanagiri Institute of Medical Sciences,ACU B G Nagara 571448  launched certification course on 25/02/2025 between 10 am to 12 noon  at BGS GBC.

The primary objectives were addressed. The event started by Dr.Prerana U, Post Graduate student as Master of ceremony with Invocation by Students of AIMS and the dignitaries were welcomed by Dr.Ramesha S S  Professor of Medicine, he also emphasized the importance of conducting the course.The Programme was inaugurated by the dignitaries by watering the plant  and offered floral tribute to Paramapoojya Jagadguru Padmabhushana Sri Sri Sri Dr.Balagangadharanatha Mahaswamiji and offered humble pranams  Paramapoojya Jagadguru Sri Sri Sri Dr.Nirmalanandanatha Mahaswamiji.

Dr.Shekar M.A, Vice Chancellor, ACU,   addressed about the importance of  family practice medicine certificate course. Sri D Devaraj, Member ACU-Board of Governors and Finance Committee,Trustee Sri Adichunchanagiri Shikshana Trust® in his Chief Guest address,appreciated the relevance of course and launching  in ACU, thanked the Honarable Vice Chancellor and Principal ,Dean of Health Sciences(Medical) .

Dr.M G Shivaramu  Principal ,Dean of Health Sciences(Medical)  AIMS,ACU in his address briefed the role of Family Practice and  his happiness on launching in the institute from Department of General Medicine along with other clinical departments

Guests of Honor

Dr Shivakumar K M  ,COH,AHRC

Dr Ramesh, Dean of Academics and Accreditation ,ACU

Dr Inbanathan J ,HOD,Department of General Medicine AIMS B G Nagara

The inaugural function was concluded with vote of thanks by Dr.Rajashekhar H K Professor Department of General medicine, AIMS B.G.Nagara.

Followed by Dr Ramesha S S ,Coordinator gave a talk on Introduction to F amily Practice


Feedback Analysis (Brief)

Feedback was collected from Faculty,Tutors Internees and Students through surveys and informal conversations. Every one expressed positive feedback regarding the launching of  certification course and overall organization of the event.



The programme was very useful and appreciated with positive feedback from attendees

All the attendees were convinced regarding the importance of the family practice certification course and its relevance and wished organizers for success.